Automatic language identifier

Information on the language identifier


A language identifier is an automatic classifier. It calculates the similarity of a text with previously inserted reference texts.


It creates an n-dimensional representation of the text ( Vector Space Model) by using the statistical properties of the byte sequences found in the text as coordinates. It performs the same operation on previously inserted reference texts. In the n-dimensional space, the inserted text will have a precise position. The reference text closest to it will be the one which most resembles it.

Why have we developed this?

This technology is an integral part of a spider able to extract useful information for our translators from the web.

As an automatic classifier, it can easily be used to say in which category a document belongs by providing example documents. For this, we are also using it to classify our correspondence and to identify the topic of a written text in a language we do not understand.

I want it!

If you are interested in this technology, please read more on Translated Labs and our services for natural language processing.

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